Latinos for a Fair Judiciary and its partners denounce divisive Spanish-language Supreme Court ads

Washington, DC — Latinos for a Fair Judiciary and its partners — which represent the nation’s most prominent Latino legal and civil rights communities and leadership — uniformly denounce the divisive Spanish-language ad campaign that the conservative group Club for Growth is launching to attack President Biden’s decision to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

The ad, which will run in Washington, DC and key states that have large Latino populations, is a reprehensible attempt to divide communities of color through race-baiting politics. The truth is that while we look forward to a Supreme Court with more Latino justices, it’s long overdue that a Black woman serve on the Supreme Court. There is bipartisan tradition for ensuring that the diversity of our country is represented in its leadership. Former Presidents Reagan and Trump themselves delivered on their promises to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court. There is a rich talent pool of Black female jurists to choose from and we are confident that the White House is conducting a thorough and rigorous process to name an exceptionally qualified nominee.

As Latino leaders, advocates, and thinkers, we condemn Club for Growth’s sinister attempt to pit communities of color against each other in order to win elections:

Analilia Mejia, Co Director of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), said, “Black and Latinx communities share the same aspirations and demands for freedom, justice and opportunity. Dividing communities of color is part of a wider strategic effort to deny marginalized groups critical opportunities for solidarity and political momentum. The nomination of the first Black woman Justice is a historic moment with great opportunity, and CPD is committed to fighting back against bad actors' attempts to divide communities that have everything to gain by standing together.”

““Mi Familia Vota has strongly advocated for diversity within the Biden administration and welcomes the long overdue nomination of the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. This will deepen the knowledge and breadth of lived experience within the nation’s highest court and help restore the integrity of the institution itself. We are proud to have long collaborated with the African-American community on many policy issues and priorities, and will always stand in solidarity with the Black community and any attempt to divide and conquer our communities will fail,” said Héctor Sánchez Barba, Executive Director and CEO of Mi Familia Vota. “Shame on the Club for Growth for their craven and disgusting attempt to divide us. We know they don't have the best interests of Latinos in mind -- if anything, they fear us uniting around the multitude of legal issues and concerns Black and Latino communities jointly face. We denounce their attempts to divide and conquer communities of color.”

"It's vital that the Supreme Court reflect the diversity of America’s communities. The forthcoming nomination of a black woman by President Biden is yet another small but significant step in the right direction towards ensuring equitable representation in our highest judicial tribunal and rectifying the continuing underrepresentation of people and women of color in our highest court. LatinoJustice vehemently denounces the partisan tactics being used to divide Black and Latino communities against one another and vows to ensure that our communities of interest are aware of these bad actors' true intentions,” said Lourdes M. Rosado, President and General Counsel of LatinoJustice PRLDEF.

“In nominating Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina to the Supreme Court, President Obama recognized the need to build a more inclusive Justice system that reflected America,” said María Teresa Kumar, President and CEO of Voto Latino. “At a time when our country is facing a social reckoning where many policies of equity and liberty are being sent to the Supreme Court including voting rights, having a Black woman appointed to the bench will make the court wiser.”

“Club for Growth’s Spanish-language ad campaign represents another despicable example of divide-and conquer politics that pit Black people against brown people in an attempt to weaken our power — not further our interests,” said Andrea Nill Sanchez, Executive Director of Latinos for a Fair Judiciary. “As leaders for organizations that actually fight for Latino communities, we welcome the nomination of the first Black female Justice, along with the knowledge and lived experience she will bring to the Court because we know our communities are more alike than we are unalike.”

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Chris Lechuga

Press ReleaseAndrea Sanchez